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Building Spatial Awareness in Children

What’s inside this article: A look at what spatial awareness is and why it’s important. Signs of spatial awareness problems in kids and what may cause those problems. Games and play-based activities to help children of all ages practice and develop spatial awareness. Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. What Is Spacial Awareness? Spatial awareness …

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Bilateral Coordination – What It Is, How to Improve It

What’s inside this article: Description of bilateral coordination, types of bilateral movements, signs your child has poor bilateral coordination, and lastly, ways to develop and improve bilateral coordination. Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links This post is part of a 10-part series on the sensory systems. Each part will contain a table of contents to …

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32 Activities for Sensory Seekers

What’s inside this article: 16 behaviors that may indicate your child is a sensory seeker, and 32 activities you can try with your child to reduce sensory seeking behaviors and help them stay calm. Children who are sensory seekers are under-responsive to sensory input. They seek extra stimulation so they can stay regulated and calm. …

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How Does The Proprioceptive System Work?

What’s inside this article: An in-depth yet easy-to-understand explanation of what the proprioceptive system is and how it works. Includes signs of sensory processing challenges and strategies for managing sensory processing differences. The proprioceptive system is one of the sensory systems that help your body understand where it is in space.  It involves receptors in your muscles, joints, …

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49 Proprioceptive Input Activities for Sensory Seekers

What’s inside this article: Proprioceptive input activities are designed to help individuals, including kids with autism, understand where their bodies are in space. This article covers signs of sensory processing challenges, and a list of 40+ proprioceptive input activities. Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. Recently, I published a series on the different sensory systems, …

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