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Nicole Day

About Me:

I’m a neurodivergent mother of 2 and the founder of the website Raising an Extraordinary Person. My oldest son is diagnosed with autism, and I have an ADHD diagnosis.

My experience with complex emotional and behavioral challenges drives my passion for helping other parents and professionals through social-emotional learning and positive parenting strategies.

I have training in PBIS (positive behavior intervention strategies), early childhood development, ARC
framework, Collaborative Problem Solving, and best practices for PECS, AAC, and the Zones of Regulation.

Personal Information

I am a neurodivergent mom of two boys. Having first-hand experience with complex emotional and behavioral challenges is what has driven me to learn as much as I can and to share that information in a way that helps other parents and professionals.

I don’t always have it all together, and we struggle (and succeed) daily. But, I have the experience, passion, and drive to use my knowledge and platform to help as many other families as possible.

If you have any questions or want to discuss collaboration, you may contact me at any time via e-mail: [email protected]

Training & Experience

I’ve attended training courses in:

  • Early Childhood Development
  • PBIS – Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports
  • Assessing and creating behavior intervention plans
  • Best practices for PECS, AAC, Zones of Regulation, 5-Point Scale

I’ve also attended group education sessions on:

Social Media

I’d love to have you as a follower on social media! Drop by and say hello. Follow my crazy life and day-to-day moments on Instagram or catch all my latest posts on Facebook and Pinterest.

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