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8 Awesome & Admirable “Autistic Personality Traits”

What’s inside this article: 8 (of many) positive personality traits commonly associated with autism.

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) affects people’s communication, social interaction, and learning. It also impacts how they think, feel, and behave. Although it’s labeled a disorder, there are many strengths associated with autism spectrum disorder.

It’s unfortunate, but the diagnostic criteria for Autism Spectrum Disorder focus only on the deficits associated with autism.

This creates a negative picture of such wonderful individuals. Truthfully, there are tons of positive “autism traits.”

And guess what? Just like every other human being on the planet –  autistic people have both strengths and weaknesses.

So let’s take a minute to point out and appreciate the positive personality traits in people with autism.

Positive Autistic Traits

1. Has expertise in area(s) of special interest

We have been labeling people’s special interests as “obsessions” and putting a negative connotation on them for far too long.

Many people with autism have an islet of ability. In other words, outstanding talent in an area of special interest.

While it’s great to encourage learning about different subjects, we should never discourage a person’s special interests. Finding others who share similar interests or admire their level of expertise can help new friendships blossom.

Also, many of these interests are marketable. What I mean by that is that they would be considered a strong asset to the right employer. Your child’s “obsession” with animals could help carve their path to a career as a zoologist, for example.

Fun Fact:

Recently, an online study found that out of all career fields, people with autistic traits are most likely to become scientists or engineers.

The Cambridge researchers believe that the findings support the idea that autistic traits are linked to a “systems-thinking mind,” which is why people in high-tech occupations have more autistic personality traits than the general population.

2. Honest, trustworthy, and realistic

On an assessment, you may read something like: “Makes inappropriate observations and has difficulty understanding sarcasm and figures of speech”.

Never mind that nonsense.

Individuals with autism are honest and trustworthy. If you’re looking for an honest opinion, you’re going to get it.

No, they may not sugarcoat their opinions, or make sarcastic comments. But, they also have difficulty lying so you can trust them to tell you the truth.

Sometimes the truth stings, but honesty is an admirable personality trait to have.

3. Communicates Differently

Children with autism may not always communicate verbally, but they do communicate. Observe and listen, and you will find intent in their actions.

Talking isn’t the only way to “speak.”

We often focus on how kids can’t communicate (with language), but many can express themselves through art, writing, and visuals.

4. Strong Attention to Detail

Often able to notice small details others miss.

A lot of autistics are able to focus on the intricate details of something bigger, noticing and correcting errors that would typically be missed.

They may also be able to recall small but important details of an event that others didn’t notice.

Although this sometimes makes them appear as perfectionists, this autism trait is a strength in many situations.

5. Kinesthetic Learners

They use all their senses to engage in learning. Best able to learn and retain information using a hands-on approach, building motor memory from performing a task repeatedly.

Doing a demonstration of learned skills is much more beneficial than requesting a written report or a graph.

Find great educational activities for kinesthetic learners here.

6. Sensory processing differences, not deficits

Just because individual processes sensory input differently than you, perhaps more or less intensely, does not mean it is a deficit. It’s just different, that is all.

A keen sense of smell or sensitivity to touch doesn’t equate to a disability.

In fact, sensory processing is considered a spectrum, and we all have a sensory bias.

7. Doesn’t conform to social norms

Many individuals with autism may appear or be considered “eccentric, ” but this is beautiful.

Their unique and special personalities shine through.

They don’t need to dress a certain way or act a certain way just because it’s “cool.” They are their true, authentic selves.

8. They CAN Thrive

Yes, a child with autism may need more support to understand dangerous situations or to learn specific skills.

But, with love, guidance, and teaching in respectful ways that promote self-advocacy, children with autism can and do thrive.

In fact, there are even many highly successful famous people with autism.

The truth is, there is so much we can learn from children and adults with autism.

Their unique way of viewing the world and their open minds can positively influence the people around them in many ways.

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